
What is jLab?

It is a world that belongs to me, to create, innovate or just explore for my curiosity.

I will build some interesting things, for fun or for money.

Who am I?

Let's build some tags, in Digi society, we are marked with many tags like an item...I don't like it but we all accept it for convenience.

Serial Entrepreneur

Team Player

16+ years Full Stack Programmer

Community Contributor

Web3 Builder



Dog people

What about your Bio?

A former Web2 Expert in the E-commerce and SAAS industry.

Skilled in Product Design, Software Engineering and Team building.

Also, I am a Hacker and Fullstack Engnieer.

Now I am focusing on Web3, DeSoc, to be a Builder for the future!

More can be seen on my Github.

Your roles?

Web3 Fulltime Builder. @Plancker, OpenNest

Textverse Founder.Textverse, building

Tech Writer. Blog

Life Long Learner

SoulWallet co-founder. @soulwallet_eth

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